University of Science and Technology

scientific researchservicesuniversity
Dynamics Microsoft General eTeacher

University of Science and Technology (UTP) is a multi-profile university integrating agricultural and technical sciences. It occupies high places in university rankings, especially in those where graduates are prepared to get a good job. Scientific and didactic activity is based on cooperation with almost all national technical and agricultural universities. UTP also cooperates with many foreign centers. IT Vision has implemented at the university an integrated Microsoft Dynamics management system.

„While preparing to implementation at University of Science and Technology Management Department, we were aware of high requirements for the system. The main goal of this project was to enable conducting research by students, university research staff as well as by university-related enterprises. The project should contribute to building innovative entrepreneurship in the region” Sylwia Wójcik, Project manager, IT Vision Sp. z o.o.


University of Science and Technology created Regional Center of Innovations whose implementation was divided into two stages. The aim of stage II was to create a net of research laboratories in a field of technical and agricultural science and strengthening the quantitative and qualitative potential of universities in the field of research infrastructure, enabling research to be conducted for the benefit of the economic environment at the highest scientific level.  Laboratories equipped with professional apparatus were to operate in cooperation with scientific and technical organizations and associations, industrial parks and enterprises in the field of specialized research.  They were to improve the transformation and transfer of knowledge. Experiences coming from research and development fields were supposed to find practical use and influence efficiency growth of cooperation world of science with business.

Therefore, with realization of stage II, there came the need of implementing advanced, integrated solution to managing. The system was supposed to be used as a model in scientific researches and also in researches conducted during the preparation of diploma theses and research carried out at the request of entrepreneurs and institutions.

Preparation of an ERP for the University was to enable testing, modeling and conducting research based on a company management system. The system was to best cover the possible areas of the enterprise's operation by offering a wide base of examples of companies including production and logistics

„Configuration and data reflecting the operating model of the distribution company and the production company were prepared for the needs of this project. Thanks to that users of this system will be able to simulate operations and get to know the functioning of individual Microsoft Dynamics modules in a practical way.” Piotr Podgórni, Director of Implementation Department, IT Vision Sp. z o.o.


It was decided to implement integrated ERP system Microsoft Dynamics. Thank to this students and entrepreneurs cooperating with University could see, how modern technologies and innovative solution are improving management of activities, resources and processes in organization. Realization of the project contributes to efficient cooperation of scientists and entrepreneurs.

The IT Vision team has carried out a comprehensive process of analyzing, implementing and training system for users. The implementation of Microsoft Dynamics at UTP was mainly dictated by research goals. Both students and cooperating with university enterprises can in practical way get to know the use of modern IT solutions in business management. Created by IT Vision database of reference companies (distribution and production) will also contribute to achieve this goal.

Microsoft Dynamics, managing enterprise system allows to cover all most important areas of company activities (production, making offers and sales, finance and accounting, purchases and logistics, projects, resources, warehouse and supply chain management, service). Basic advantage of the system is merging information from individual departments in one place. People in company responsible for execution of orders have insight into actual inventory and forecasts regarding the dates of implementation of individual works so they can create reliable schedules and provide clients with reliable information. The asset management function allows to precisely record, track, depreciate and dispose of company assets. The system also enables to manage manufacturing and distribution resulting with effective running of cooperation with key business partners and gives better cover of clients needs. It helps to increase profitability of operations in the area of sales and marketing by offering employees of the entire organization simultaneous access to constantly updated information online.

Functional areas of the implemented solution:

  • Finance management
  • Fixed assets
  • Supply chain management
  • Production
  • Sales and marketing
  • Shopping
  • Warehouse
  • Projects
  • Resources
  • Multidimensional analyzes

Additionally, as a part of the project, IT Vision implemented General eTeacher system which is modern e-learning platform. This solution connects traditional text methods wit multimedia tools such as: photos, presentations, videos. IT Vision specialists prepared multimedia instructions for using individual modules of the Microsoft Dynamics system – short instructional videos show how to perform the activities step by step.  The General eTeacher system allows to adjust the pace and time of learning to the individual capabilities of the user and enables quick learning.


University of Science and Technology

The University of Science and Technology got Microsoft Dynamics system with a database of model production and distribution companies. IT Vision prepared for UTP special trainings and instructions facilitating learning how to use the ERP system. In addition, the General eTeacher e-learning platform has been implemented.

Benefits of implementing Microsoft Dynamics and General eTeacher e-learning platform:

  • Strengthening the quantitative and qualitative potential of universities in the field of research infrastructure;
  • Enables to run research for the economic environment at the highest scientific level;
  • Possibility to promote modern ways of operating based on advanced, integrated information systems
  • Improving knowledge transfer for practical applications;
  • Possibility of conducting internal shows held regularly for a large number of participants;
  • Presentations of activities, operations or technical skills, operating tools and devices;
  • Creating conditions for the development of innovative enterprises.

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