
Microsoft Dynamics: Production accounting sales logistics supply

A leading manufacturer of precast prestressed concrete elements of rail infrastructure STRUNBET Sp. z o.o.

STRUNBET (Company group Leonhard Moll Betonwerke), was founded in 1957, it is a leader in the production of top quality pretensioned prestressed concrete switch sleepers, sleepers and reinforced concrete railway crossing slabs for Polish Railway Lines Co. and Polish National Railways as well as railway infrastructure management

STRUNBET in its previous work was using few systems to manage the company. Every section, for example warehouse, accounting, human resources and payroll or making offers was covered by another tool. As a result of this they had to face information dispersion and difficult access to historical data.


IT Vision faced an attempt to structure the company's continuous production and to adapt Microsoft Dynamics for it. The production of prestressed concrete sleepers involves the use of a variable amount of materials and in various proportions (depending on e.g. atmospheric factors). The system had to be adapted to this type of production. The goal of this implementation was also to facilitate reporting, improve access to data (including historical data) and automate some processes - from offerings, orders, through production, shipment and reporting and invoicing.


The solution proposed and adapted by IT Vision enabled the import of production data and semi-automatic accounting of this data. What is more, IT Vision delivered technical infrastructure for this system.
The company got one system which covers most of their processes. Thanks to the implemented solution, Microsoft Dynamics, Strunbet got access to consistent warehouse and accounting information in one system, which also was integrated with their HR and payroll system.
Microsoft Dynamics solution has covered:
  • Full accounting with support for financial statements, fixed assets and its other modules (servicing of receivables, liabilities, bank cash register, warehouse management). In addition, wages from another program were imported and a cost allocation module was introduced, all to support for cost settlement and closing of the financial / accounting period.
  • Handling the sales process by generating offers, orders, pro forma and invoicing.
  • Logistic processes - release of products and goods, as well as adding collective labels / certificates.
  • The procurement process, which includes the offer, order, receipt and purchase of materials, as well as invoicing.
  • Production in terms of process support, BOM definition (bill of materials) and BOF (bill of operations). Notification of finished products for the state and calculation of material consumption was automated. A great improvement was also the automatic translation of the design of the travel slides into the demand for individual elements.



Thanks to the implemented system Strunbet was able to resign from simultaneous use of various programs to manage the company and from manual support for management and planning (e.g. using MS Excel). The company got one, complex solution, integrated with their HR and payroll system, which replaced previous tools. The implementation and adjustment of the allocation module to Strundbets production enables accurate cost estimation and allocation. It applies not only to direct cost but, thanks to using allocation and sharing keys, it includes also indirect costs. The implemented solution made all data, including historical data, available to all users in one system. The entered information is immediately available to them, production data is imported, and their semi-automatic booking is carried out. Thanks to this, the company has consistent warehouse and accounting information.

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