Dynamics Microsoft

International producer and distributor of gaming machines

ATT S.A. deals with production, assembly, distribution of gaming machines and as well components and software sets. They also provide services and modernization of game machines. ATT S.A. is a part of Novomatic Group of Companies in Poland. Company cooperates with suppliers from abroad and with many   domestic recipients.

„Implementation of Dynamics system was a big challenge. It required cooperation of client, implementing partner and partners from Novomatic Group (Austria). Thanks to experience of IT Vision consultants we were able to complete the implementation and run the system meeting our requirements. We plan to add more functionalities connected with our activities.” Katarzyna Szegda, Chief Accountant, ATT S.A.


ATT S.A. wanted to implement integrated system and gain modern solution which supports company management. Previously ATT was using few modules dedicated to small companies which stopped covering all needs of developing company.

It was necessary to design and implement a solution which will enable efficient operational management of the enterprise: production, supply and sales, easier business settlement (including corporate standards), enterprise functioning planning (budgets) and obtaining controlling data.

It was also important to adapt controlling and reporting to Novomatic Group requirements. Implementation had to not only include corporate requirements and local conditions but also specification and needs of polish company. Regarding international character of the project documentation and some tasks were executed in English.

„Thanks to solutions available in Dynamics system we were able to reconcile the requirements of shareholders in the field of recording costs and revenues and reporting them with Polish accounting standards. Integration of modules and small changes in work organization caused simplification of sales process. The potential of the implemented system is much greater, which guarantees a solid platform for further dynamic development of ATT.” Piotr Podgórni, Director of Implementation Department, IT Vision Sp. z o.o.


Thanks to implemented solution from Microsoft - Dynamics – ATT Company got simple access to actual information which are available in one system.
JOne of the most important success factors was cooperation with experienced and reliable partner. After meeting some potential contractors, it was decided to entrust the implementation to company from Cracow – IT Vison. IT was decided on the experience in implementing similar projects, high competence and professional approach to the services provided.

The team implemented a project involving the implementation of an integrated system based on Microsoft Dynamics in key areas of the company's operations.

Realization replaced few systems, which were functioning in company simultaneously, with one complex tool.

Thanks to this solution one tool helps managing the company in its crucial areas of activity:

  • Accounting and finance.
  • Multidimensional analyzes and corporate reporting.
  • Manufacturing.
  • Supply and storage.
  • Sales and invoicing.

 The implementation of Microsoft Dynamics was preceded by an analysis of processes carried out by the client and took into account the specificity of its industry. During the implementation IT Vision took into consideration the need to support functionalities specific to the ATT Company - including service re-invoicing or excise duty. As a part of implementation IT Vision conducted training to future users of the system. IT Vision also supported ATT in the first weeks of work with the system.

Realization replaced few systems, which were functioning in company simultaneously, with one complex tool.



Thanks to implemented solution from Microsoft - Dynamics – ATT Company got simple access to actual information which are available in one system.

Implemented solution enabled the company to control and analyze enterprise costs through multidimensional management analyzes. In addition, thanks to the new system, it became possible to manage processes better and optimize warehouse management.

Dynamics enabled ATT company to easily plan, execute and settle production orders, and provided quick and flexible accounting tools. The implementation also allowed to organize the flow of information within the company.

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